The Wackiest Water ScamsScams have been a problem for as long as people have been exploiting their fellow human beings to gain something they want. So they’ve been going on for a pretty long time we could guess.

But the digital age has brought about a new era in scamming. And one area rife with fraud is with drinking water, especially for those interested in alternative medicine. These are some of the main water scams out there that have been discredited by science.

Hexagonal water

This water is sometimes also called structured water or water clusters. The idea is that the molecular structure has been altered so as to unlock some sort of potent healing power. A water cluster is supposedly composed of six individual molecules of water, held together by hydrogen bonds. This structur then promotes cellular communication, nutrient absorption and the removal of toxins from your body, and more properties. It’s also then said that normal, unstructured water is behind aging and disease.

Apparently this water can be found in pure, ancient glaciers, new-born babies and “healing springs”. Or you can buy a specialised device to recreate it in your own home. The peddlers of these devices say they have discovered some way of using infrared energy, magnetic fields, vortices and turbulence, or other forms of modern magic to turn normal water into hexagonal water. (Conversely, however, some companies will take the alternative stance that clusters in your water are bad for you, and so offer equipment to filter them out.)

Read here for a thorough scientific exposé of the structured water “chemistry”.

Clustering water with light energy

There are those that would have you believe that treating water with specific wavelengths of light energy gives the water a special structure and all sorts of magical properties. This can also be called Platonic Solid Inversion Geometry, and is supposed to give water extra “molecular vibration energy”. Imbibing this water, which is sometimes called M-water, with its added vibrational energy is said to imbue you with its healing powers. What’s more, it can help you manage your anger and violent tendencies, and help you get over any and all addictions, whether you’re addicted to gambling, sex, tobacco or drugs.

Removing clusters to improve water

While many of these scams involve weird and wonderful ways of creating water clusters, there is the opposing view that water clusters are in fact rife in your drinking water, that they are too big and so need to be reduced.  Apparently these large clusters prevent the flow of water molecules into and out of cells. Sound waves and electrolysis are a couple of the ways you could use to “un-cluster” that inappropriately clustered water, breaking up the large clusters into more manageable clusters.

Even if you consider yourself too street smart to ever be taken in by them, it’s interesting to see what’s being put out there, and how these marketing scams work. Even if simply for the incredulity of the lengths people will go to swindle some cash from you, or what hocus-pocus gullible people will believe all in the hope of finding some miracle elixir. It’s unfortunate that there are so many who would want to exploit people who just want to be able to drink good quality water.

Get a water cooler lease or purchase water cooler from Living-Water London.