The Oldest Working Office Water Cooler?Being the top water company in London, we have seen our fair share of water coolers, of all shapes and sizes, modern and old. We really thought we had seen it all, but about a week ago we were rather surprised to find what can only be described as a vintage water cooler at the offices of a client who had contacted us for an office water cooler upgrade.

Quite frankly, our techies could not help but laugh when faced with this HUGE, ugly, old fashioned and outdated water cooler in London of all places. It is rather square and covered in what we think is some sort of Novilon (you know that ugly stuff that kitchen cupboards used to be covered with circa 1950?) on the sides. Beyond kitsch, Dear! Unfortunately the customer could not recall where or when it had been bought, but did agree that it was definitely so last century.

London offices may be housed in some really old buildings, but the offices themselves are quite modern and hip, and this monstrosity out of the ark just looked REALLY out of place, so we were glad to be of service to upgrade this customer to one of our modern, FMax/Executive office water cooler.

The Living-Water FMax/Executive POU (point of use) water cooler is a tall slim, sexy, long drink of water of a mains water cooler. It offers everything that a modern top-of-the-line office water cooler should:

  • The ground-breaking Direct Dispense system reduces the chance of microbiological contamination by 98%
  • It is mounted on wheels for easy moving
  • A high dispense point so no more stooping to get water
  • Cold, Ambient or Hot water
  • Heat resistant plastic around areas of electrical circuitry
  • Duplex dispense nozzle
  • Interchangeable side panels

Needless to say, our customer is very pleased with his new, modern office water cooler and will no longer be the subject of office hilarity regarding his antique water coolers. He is in 7th heaven with the knowledge that he is being green, is giving his staff the best, and is also saving on energy.

As far as the old one goes, who knows, maybe he will donate it to some museum of ancient artifacts.