I have become convinced that we, the human race, are totally insane. Why on earth would we otherwise resort to drinking packaged bottled water that has been shipped across the globe and costs a fortune?
Globally, we now drink an average of 30 litres of bottled water per person per year, and bottled water is now the second most popular liquid refreshment after carbonated drinks. Is that not insanity?
The Madness of Drinking Bottled Water
Consumers in the developing world worry about water quality from the tap while those in the developed world are trying to be more healthy by switching from carbonated drinks to bottled water.
This is insane! Global sales are set to hit 233 BILLION litres this year, and it does not take a lot to imagine just how much damage that is doing to our environment. Hauling water from one country to another in plastic bottles makes absolutely zero sense, especially economically.
In excess of 22% of water sold in the UK is sourced overseas according to the Natural Hydration Council, mostly from other European countries in northern Europe, but some imports come from as far away as the Himalayas or Fiji. Although some importers are reducing their carbon footprint to a small extent, the impact of all of this packaging and transportation is still devastating to the environment.
Added to this, how sure are you of the fact that the bottled water that you are drinking really comes from a glacier in the arctic? Many of the newer water companies have been proven to be shams and selling nothing other than ordinary tap-water bottled under a pretty label. How do you know that the strict health and safety regulations that are followed in the UK have been followed in bottling your bottled water?
Of course one good reason to not drink bottled water is that billions of little plastic bottles are not recycled but end up in landfills all over the globe every year, and in case you did not know, it takes between 450 and 1 000 years for plastic to break down in landfills.
A far better and healthier option to this madness that is bottled water is to invest in a mains water cooler that is plumbed directly into your main water supply and fitted with a triple-activated carbon filter that delivers chilled, pure water straight to your glass 24/7. Contact Living-Water, London’s premier water supply company for a free water needs assessment and quote.