The Importance of London's New Super SewerConstruction on London’s new £4.2bn ‘super sewer’ will begin next year, with Bazalgette Tunnel Limited having been selected as a preferred bidder. The Thames Tideway Tunnel as it will be known is vital to ensure the capital’s sewerage system is able to cope with current as well as future sewerage, and to tackle the issue of discharges of untreated sewage into the river.

London’s ageing sewerage system has long needed modernising to stop the river getting flooded with 39 million tons of raw sewage every time it rains. The new sewer will ensure that sewerage pollution of the Thames River is a thing of the past, which is excellent news for the health of all London residents.

The Thames Tideway Tunnel is a 25 km sewer which will intercept 34 of the Combined Sewage Overflow points that are the most polluting, along the River Thames. Much of the 7.2m diameter tunnel will follow the route of the Thames from Acton in West London to Abbey Mills in the east.

Strong competition for both construction and financing has driven down costs for London’s bill payers for at least the next five years and will also boost economic growth across the capital. In excess of 9,000 jobs will be generated and the project will mean massive benefits for the natural environment.

The Tunnel will not only clean up the river Thames, but will basically transform the Thames into a feature that can be safely used by all for recreational purposes without the fear of toxins. This will mean an increase in tourism and result in the River Thames becoming central to the capital’s wider social and economic well-being.

While the project is projected to take seven years to complete, everyone is looking forward to it for the benefits that it will bring to everyone; both in the quality of their drinking water and in the quality of recreational water use.

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