The Importance of Drinking WaterYour body is composed of around 70% water. Drinking water regularly helps you to maintain the balance of body fluids, the functions of which includes absorption, transportation of nutrients, circulation, digestion, creation of saliva, and maintenance of the core body temperature.

There are various schools of thought as to how much water you should drink day. The most commonly heard one is that you need to drink eight glasses per day. This belief is rather outdated though and what one should do is drink water according to your personal needs and circumstances.

The Importance of Drinking Water

Drinking water on a regular basis and not just when you feel thirsty is important because every single cell in your body needs water in order to work optimally. If you do not drink water regularly throughout the day you will become dehydrated, which means that the balance of bodily fluids in your body is out of balance.

  • When you sweat you lose water and the electrolytes that your body needs to function. Drinking water regularly is also important because it keeps your blood fluid enough so that it can easily flow through the veins to every part of the body without the heart having to work too hard.
  • Drinking water regularly helps maintain the correct balance of body fluids help control circulation, creation of saliva, absorption, digestion, circulation, the maintenance of the core body temperature and aids in the transportation of nutrients.
  • Drinking water regularly is important because it helps control calories, which helps you to lose weight or to maintain a healthy weight.
  • You need to drink water so that your kidneys can flush the toxins out of your body and excrete them in urine and faeces. If you are dehydrated the posterior pituitary gland in your brain will communicate to the kidneys that they must not pass water but hold onto it for reserves.
  • You need to drink water in order to energise your muscles. If the cells cannot maintain their balance of fluids they will shrivel, causing muscle fatigue.
  • Drinking water helps to hydrate the skin, keeping it elastic, plump and younger looking.
  • You also need to drink water in order for the brain to work optimally. Studies have found that when the brain does not get sufficient water it will result in problems with performing intricate and difficult mathematical problems, and also affects mood and cognitive reasoning.

Drink water regularly, pay attention to the signs your body gives you and do not wait until you are literally dying of thirst before you drink water. Remember, you lose water every hour of the day so you need to replace it as often.



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