The Health Benefits of Kefir WaterKefir grains were a prized possession of various ancient tribes around the Caucasus Mountains, which ranges are situated in Eurasia between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea some one thousand years ago.

Caucasus shepherds zealously guarded their family’s stock of kefir as the possession of kefir grains was a symbol of their wealth and were passed down from generation to generation as they perpetually reproduced.

The word kefir originates from the Turkish word keif which means good feeling, which is how those who drink this type of water or kefir milk say it makes them feel. What is a mystery, and adds to the value placed on these kefir grains, is the origin of these precious grains – nobody seems to be able to find out where they originated from, and many believe the legend that they were a gift from the Prophet Mohammed with instructions to make the drink of the Prophet Mohammed which is why kefir is also often referred to as grains of the prophet.

The Health Benefits of Kefir Water

Kefir is traditionally cultivated by mixing kefir grains and fresh goat’s milk in a goatskin bag, left to ferment for a day then the milk is preserved in a separate container and drunk by the family over time and a new batch of fresh milk is added to the goatskin.

As to the health benefits of drinking kefir water, it has great probiotic value and is an organic strength-booster that helps strengthen the immune system. Kefir water or milk, contains friendly bacteria, calcium and nutrients, and as a result of the fermentation, minimal lactose remains in kefir, which means that lactose intolerant individuals can tolerate kefir.

As a result of the fermentation, very little lactose remains in kefir. People with lactose intolerance are able to tolerate kefir, providing the number of live bacteria present in this beverage consumed is high enough (i.e., fermentation has proceeded for adequate time). It has also been shown that fermented milk products have a slower transit time than milk, which may further improve lactose digestion.

[Source: Wikipedia]

Some of the healing benefits ascribed to kefir water or kefir milk are that it treats gum disease, nourishes your skin and hair, strengthens the bones and fights osteoporosis. It is also seen as a substance that prevents insomnia, colitis, gout, migraine, sclerosis, anaemia, diabetes, and many more conditions as well as restoring friendly bacteria and microorganisms after a course of antibiotics.

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