When we refer to the biggest ship in history, it’s one that many think they haven’t heard of before, but due to the incredible film that showcases the story of the unsinkable ship, the Titanic, we all know it all too well.

If you haven’t cried through the film, then you’re one big rock.

The RMS Titanic was a ship that was presented to the public as unsinkable, as it made its way into the icy waters of the Northern Atlantic, after hitting an iceberg on its voyage.

The disaster of the Titanic killed 1,517 people and is the worst disaster of a sinking ship in history.

The unsinkable ship’s disaster

The Titanic was thought to be unsinkable because it was one of the most luxurious cruise ships to be designed in the world. It was 900 feet long and over 100 feet high. Not only could it reach speeds of 30 knots, but it was also recognized as the world’s fastest ship, to ever be designed and created.

That did not count in the ship’s favour, however, because it went to fast to avoid an iceberg at night, which was seen far too late for the captain redirect the ship past the iceberg.

The ship had individualized watertight compartments and sunk on its first ever voyage, departing from Southampton, England, to New York. The voyage had stopped at Cherbourg, France, and Ireland. It carried 2,206 people, which included 898 crew members.

The icebergs that caused the disaster of the Titanic, leading to the ship’s disaster in the Northern Atlantic.

On the 14th of April, on a Sunday, at 11:40 p.m., icebergs struck the ship, which ripped open six compartments. Minutes thereafter, an SOS signal was sent out for help. Exactly 30 minutes later, all passengers were instructed to get into lifeboats, but unfortunately, there were only enough for half the individuals aboard.

At 2:20 am, the Titanic sunk, as it broke in half, plunging to the sea floor. The captain went down with the ship. Unfortunately, the Carpathia, a ship that was signaled for help, only arrived half an hour later and rescued 705 people who remained on the lifeboats. Everybody else died.

The ship was lost at sea, until 1985, when it was found by divers who were able to locate the wreckage on the floor in the Northern Atlantic.

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