The Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking WaterOne of the healthiest habits that we can get into is to drink water regularly. Many individuals insist that they do not drink water because they hate the taste of tap water, but does tap water really have a taste?

What those individuals may taste, and sometimes smell, are the chemicals that are added to our tap water to disinfect them (chlorine) or in an attempt to improve dental hygiene (fluoride). Unfortunately not drinking water can result in dehydration, which can in turn result in poor health and various debilitating illnesses.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Water

When an individual does not drink water regularly it results in the fluids in the body being out of balance, which is known as dehydration. Even as little as 2% dehydration can lead to:

  • continuous thirst
  • dry mouth, lips and tongue
  • dry skin
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • hunger
  • no desire to urinate, and the little urine that does come out is dark in colour
  • sleepiness
  • weakness

The human body is a wonderful machine and can last for around 3 weeks without food, but can only last 3 days without water. This is because your body needs water to perform every single function. Just think of it this way:

  • Your brain consists of around 80% water
  • It is your brain that tells the rest of your body what to do
  • If your brain does not get sufficient water it cannot work optimally
  • If you brain cannot tell your heart to beat or your lungs to breathe¦ you will die!

Drinking water regularly will ensure that your body remains fully hydrated and able to function optimally at all times. Water:

  • gives you energy
  • lubricates your joints and muscles
  • helps your heart pump better
  • aids weight loss
  • dilutes minerals and salts in the body
  • helps detoxify your body via urinating
  • keeps you regular
  • helps your brain to function better
  • keeps your skin elastic and plump
  • maintains core body temperature, and much more

Drinking pure water from a source such as a water cooler is the best alternative if you do not like tap water. A mains water cooler that is fitted with a good triple action carbon filter and plumbed into your main water line is probably the best and most economic solution