Investing in a office water cooler has many advantages for both the staff and the company itself. Office water coolers are not just more furniture, they are an essential office tool that will improve the wellbeing of your staff and therefore will ultimately benefit the bottom line of your company.
Office water coolers are basically becoming a must-have in any office and they are also starting to appear in more and more private homes because of their health advantages.
There are various types of office water coolers, so before you make a decision whether to buy or rent one or not, it is incumbent upon you to find out everything you can.
Types of Water Coolers
There are essentially two types of office water coolers; mains water coolers or Point of Use (POU) and bottled water coolers:
Bottled Water Coolers: Bottled water coolers are just that; the water is supplied from a bottle that is generally placed on the top of the water cooler. The bottles have a capacity of between 10 – 20 litres, and some of the water companies only use natural spring water in their bottles.
Bottled water coolers are better for smaller office spaces of up to about 200 personnel. Water companies generally deliver replacement bottles and service these water coolers.
POU Water Coolers : Often referre to as mains fed water coolers, these water coolers are plumbed into the main water line so there are no bottles to worry about. POUs are suited to small to very large office spaces, and some of the models can be fitted with a water filter so that the water is clear, fresh and pure by the time it comes out of the tap on the water cooler.
The Advantages of Having a Water Cooler in the Office
Investing in an office water cooler will have wider-ranging benefits for all concerned. It will ensure that your staff remains well-hydrated and healthy as public water fountains and tap water are not always that hygienic.
Office water coolers deliver fresh, cooled, filtered water at the press of a button or a lever. Water is always available, so staff will rather drink it than reach for a soda or a bottle of mineral water that is expensive and could result in a sugar rush that saps their energy when it burns off.
It is crucial that your employees remain adequately hydrated so that they can work at their best, because dehydration can cause various health problems:
- Dehydration causes headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and a foggy brain
- Dehydration affects the working of the brain, especially when it comes to calculations
- Dehydration can lead to problems with the kidneys and ultimately to death
Good Hydration
Supplying a water cooler from which your staff can drink will:
- Affect your bottom line positively as your staff will be happier
- Keep staff hydrated, fresh and cool in the hot summer months
- Improve energy levels throughout the office
- Help with weight loss/maintenance
- Increase brain activity
- Improve focus so that work is done well
Now that you know all the advantages of office water coolers, all you have to do is contact a water company and organise for an assessment as to which type would best suit your needs and a free quote.