Tap Water and your HealthEvery day someone or the other is telling us that we need to drink more water because the human body is made up of around 76% water, and water is therefore vital to our good health, but just how healthy is drinking tap water?

Some of the problems associated with drinking tap water are the presence of calcium, magnesium, fluoride, sodium and chloride in the water.

Adding fluoride to the drinking water is a controversial issue which has been around for decades. It was originally thought that adding fluoride to the drinking water would assist poorer individuals who could not afford private dental care to have better dental health. Unfortunately the reverse has been proven to be true; there does not really appear to be any improvement in their dental health, and excess fluoride has actually led to a condition called fluorosis, which causes discolouration and pitting of the teeth.

Fluoride toxicity has also been linked to cancer, specifically to bone cancer in young teenage boys, and to genetic damage in plants and animals, urinary tract irritations, diarrhoea, headaches, birth defects in humans, and a series of allergic reactions.

The chlorine in our drinking water can act as a catalyst that triggers tumour development in both cancer and atherosclerosis (heart disease). According to a book written by Joseph Price, MD, in the 1960s, entitled “Coronaries, Cholesterol, Chlorine,” the basic cause of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and most common types of strokes is the chlorine contained in drinking water. The chlorine in our drinking water also combines with natural organic matter to create cancer-causing trihalomethanes (THMs), according to various studies that reveal that higher levels of THMs result in higher levels of cancer.

The best method of ensuring that there are no toxins in your drinking water is to invest in a water cooler that is fitted with a good triple action filter that can filter out all toxic elements and provide you with fresh, chilled, great-tasting and healthy drinking water 24/7.