Take Care of your Drains this Festive SeasonI don’t think that many of us ever really think about our sewage system, unless we have a blocked drain of course, but it is something that we should pay more attentions to.

Water companies deal with in excess of 366,000 blockages costing around £88 million and causing more than 3,000 flooding incidents every year.

Many of these blockages are caused by leftovers from huge fatty Festive Season meals, unwanted fat and roast run-off.

Every Christmas time, due to the amount of simultaneous festive meals that get cooked, the sewers are overloaded with oil and greasy foods as people either empty roasting pans down the drain or allow scraps and trimmings to wash down the sink. The problem is that these fats do not dissolve or disappear; they linger in the water pipes, clinging to the walls of the waste pipes and to make matters worse, anything that is solid will adhere to the fat, eventually completely blocking the pipes and causing floods in the home and in the streets.

In order to avoid sewage blockages and all the smells, floods and other problems that goes with them, it is important that you do not throw your oil down the toilet or the drain but rather mop oil and grease up with kitchen paper or pour the oil into a bottle and toss in the waste bin.

This is extra important over the Festive Season because of the amount of oil used to fry and roast with, as well as the fats that remain from the poultry or meat itself, but one should actually make it a habit at all times.

Make sure that you drink enough water during this period, especially if living in a warmer clime, but also because one tends to drink more alcohol at this time of the year and alcohol dehydrates one.

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