Sunlight through waterThe human body consists of around 70% water, which can be found in every single cell and is vital to many functions, including helping with the formation of cells, cleaning toxins out of the body via urination, keeping the joints lubricated, keeping the mucous membranes moist, maintaining core body temperature, and helping keep the blood at the right viscosity so that it can easily travel throughout the body, delivering essential nutrients.

The body cannot store water though, so we need to drink water regularly in order to replace lost bodily fluids and maintain the fluid balance or you will become dehydrated which can lead to a whole heap of health problems.

Summer’s coming; Drink More Water!

While we do not sweat as much, therefore do not lose as much body fluids in winter, summer’s coming, so we need to drink more water!

When the body is starved of water and dehydration sets in, it can lead to minor problems such as thirst and a dry mouth, eyes and nose. If one does not drink water at this stage, it will lead to more dangerous health conditions such as headaches, dizziness, a blocked colon, and fatigue. Extreme dehydration can also lead to stretched skin, sunken eyes, heatstroke and even death.

We need to drink more water in order to:

  • Energise our Muscles: When we do not drink water regularly, the cells in the body shrivel; this causes muscle fatigue, making one unable to do physical work or exercise for a prolonged period of time. It is important that you drink water both before and after exercise to maintain the water and electrolyte balance in the body.
  • Help our Kidneys: The kidneys perform a vital function; they rid the body of toxins and blood urea nitrogen. Drinking insufficient water on a daily basis will lead to kidney stones, especially if you live in a hot climate.
  • Lose or Maintain Weight: Drinking water prior to a meal will make you feel satiated, leading you to eat less, which will both help to lose weight more easily and to maintain a steady weight.
  • Maintain a Good Skin: Drinking water helps to keep your skin plump, keeping it elastic, hiding wrinkles and making it younger-looking.
  • Stay Regular: Water is crucial to digestion and drinking water regularly will help you to digest your food more easily and keeps your gastrointestinal tract moving things along as they should. When one does not drink enough water, the colon will pull water from the stool, causing constipation.
  • Stay Focused: The human brain consists of around 85% water. Dehydration causes the brain to become foggy, which means that one cannot think clearly and doing even the simplest mathematical calculations suddenly becomes rather difficult, if not impossible.

If you are one of those people who hates drinking water because the taste or smell of tap water is offensive, then the best thing you can do is invest in a watercooler that dispenses pure, fresh, chilled drinking water 24/7.

Living-Water offers a wide range of bottled water coolers and mains or point-of-use (POU) water coolers that are plumbed directly into the main water supply. These stylish, modern, highly-technological water coolers come in various models; one to suit all your needs and your budget, and will make a huge difference to you, your personnel/family, the office/home vibe, and your bottom line.

Get a free water cooler trial from Living-Water.