Spice Up Your Drinking WaterAlthough we all know that we need to drink water regularly in order to maintain the fluid balance in our bodies, many individuals do not like plain water. Some people say that the tap water in their area tastes funny or smells bad, so they just do not drink it.

Although the drinking water in the UK is pretty good and generally smells fine, many people just find it boring drinking plain old tap water. Unfortunately, we can drink as much tea, coffee, soft drinks and other liquids as we want, but drinking water is still the best for hydration purposes; some of the other liquids mentioned could actually dehydrate us even more.

Spice Up Your Drinking Water

If you are one of those individuals who really struggle to drink plain tap water and do not want to spend hundreds of pounds a year on bottled water, try using a water cooler or water filter for your tap water, or try one of the following to improve the taste of your drinking water.


  • Lemon & Lime: Squeeze fresh lemons or lime into your drinking water to make it taste really good and refreshing. Both lemons and limes contain vitamin C which is an antioxidant that helps neutralise free radicals and also cleanses the body and aids digestion.
  • Cucumber: Slice a cucumber and place in your drinking water and chill for a great fresh taste. Cucumbers contain antioxidants and are also a good source of fibre.
  • Herbs
  • Mint: Mint can be very easily grown in the garden and breaking off a few fresh leaves and putting them in a chilled jug of water is very refreshing. Drinking mint water can also aid in digestion and relieve stomach pain.
  • Spices
  • Cinnamon: Spice up your drinking water with the heavenly taste of cinnamon, which is good for digestion, fights viruses, regulates the blood sugar level and aids in the fat burning process.
  • Ginger: Cut fresh ginger into small cubes and place in your drinking water. Ginger is very aromatic and will make your water smell nice, but it also has great medicinal properties in that it anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Ginger has been used for centuries to treat nausea, flatulence, indigestion, cramps and to improve blood circulation.
  • Cloves: Placing three to five cloves in a jug of water will give you a lovely flavoured water to drink. Cloves are good for fighting various parasites that invade the body and to help in the digestive process.

So, the next time a family member complains that they do not want to drink water because it tastes or smells funny, spice up your drinking water a bit and watch them enjoy it.

Living-Water rent water dispensers London and buy water coolers online.