Some Really Good Reasons to Drink More WaterSome individuals think that the benefits of drinking water may have been oversold, but there is no question that we all need to drink water on a regular basis for good health.

While the age-old theory that we all need to drink eight glasses of water every day has been disproved as a scientific fact, we do need to drink water regularly according to our own lifestyle, gender, body-weight, and physical exercise regimen.

Some Really Good Reasons to Drink More Water

Fluid loss occurs continuously throughout the day, via urination, sweating, breathing, and other means, and these losses must be replaced regularly optimal health.

When your water output exceeds water intake it leads to dehydration, which can lead to thirst, dry skin, headaches, fatigue, kidney problems, heart problems, and much more. Fluid losses are accentuated in high altitudes, accentuated in warmer climates, in older adults, whose sense of thirst may not be as sharp, and during strenuous exercise.

Good reasons to drink more water include:

Maintaining Balance of Body Fluids

The human body is composed of about 70% water, and it is important to maintain this balance. Bodily fluids are vital to the creation of saliva, maintenance of body temperature, digestion, absorption, transportation of nutrients, and circulation.

Your brain communicates with your kidneys via your posterior pituitary gland, telling it how much water to excrete in the form of urine or how much to hold onto for reserves. When your body is low on fluids, the brain triggers the body’s thirst mechanism and if you do not take in fluids at this time you will become dehydrated.

Water Controls Calories

Drinking lots of water will help you lose weight as it contains no calories, and also fills you up so that you eat less. This includes eating water-rich foods that are healthier and more filling. Portions of food with higher water content tend to look larger; the higher volume requires more chewing, and the body absorbs it more slowly which helps you feel full.

Water Energises Muscles

When your muscles have sufficient fluid they work far better; dehydration causes muscle fatigue and will not work as well. Drink water before you do any sort of physical exercise as well as after, and if it is prolonged exercise during as well.

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