Some Easy Tips to Avoid DehydrationAs summer arrives, temperatures heat up and normally we also become more active, sports-wise and even just working in the garden or running around on the beach, which can easily lead to dehydration.

It is wise to remember that it is not only sportsmen who need to drink more water during the summer, but every one of us as we all sweat more when it is hot. Sweating makes us lose body fluids, which need to be replaced, and this can only be done by drinking sufficient water on a regular basis.

Some Easy Tips to Avoid Dehydration

According to experts, most people are walking around in a moderately dehydrated state without even realising it. That fatigue you are feeling or that mid-afternoon brain-funk you get at the office; the headaches and constipation could all be due to one thing – dehydration!

Dehydration can cause serious problems for anyone, and if not reversed, could lead to a myriad of health problems and in extreme cases even death. Here are a few simple tips on how to avoid getting dehydrated:

  • Start your day off by drinking a nice big glass of water – this will make up for the lack of liquid intake for all the hours that you were asleep;
  • Check the colour of your urine; the darker it is the more dehydrated you are;
  • Drink sufficient water at least 30 minutes before exercising, as well as during and after;
  • Create a drinking schedule when you are exercising, as relying on your thirst is not good enough because when you are hot and sweaty your thirst mechanism can shut down very quickly;
  • Make sure that you drink water throughout the day in addition to any other liquids;
  • Eat fruits and vegetables that have a high water-content such as watermelon, strawberries, peaches, blueberries, lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini, radish and celery.
  • Finish your day off by drinking a large glass of water before retiring for the night.

Another good way of ensuring that you remain dehydrated is by investing in a mains water cooler that is plumbed into your main water supply and is capable of dispensing lovely chilled drinking water virtually 24 hours a day.

Rent water cooler or buy a water dispenser from Living-Water Ltd in London.