Simple Steps to Rehydrate Your BodyDue to the fact that most of us walk around at least partially dehydrated most of the time, our bodies have been in drought management for so many years that it will not be that easy to convince them that the drought is really over and this will make it a bit more difficult to rehydrate.

Drinking more water after being in a drought for so many years will most probably just make us urinate more often, but this will soon subside and over time the body will start to absorb more water and utilise it at a cellular level, eventually fully rehydrating itself.

It is therefore vital that you follow these simple steps to rehydrate your body:

Drink Water: There are so many different fluids available today that many individuals prefer to drink juices, carbonated drinks, alcohol or other fluids instead of good old water, which is vital to our good health and the only liquid that can ensure that we remain hydrated and in good health.

Drink Sufficient Water: In order to rehydrate your body fully, especially after a long drought period, it is essential that you drink an adequate amount of water on a daily basis, according to your age, gender, geographic position, state of health, and exercise regimen.

Drink Filtered Water: It is not only important that you drink sufficient water on a regular basis, but also that the water that you drink is high quality drinking water. Ordinary tap water will just not do in this case, as much of the tap water globally contains toxins such as fluoride or chlorine. It is therefore important that the water that you drink is filtered with a good filter to ensure that it is pure and toxin-free.

Drink Water Regularly Throughout the Day: The body cannot store water, and loses water regularly throughout the day via sweating, urination and various other bodily functions, so it is necessary that you drink water regularly throughout the day to ensure that you replace any water loss immediately.  It is best to start the day off with a large glass of water, and to continue drinking water throughout the day and end off with another large glass of water last thing at night.

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