One of the things that have the biggest impact on our health is drinking water and with, it’s true that we as humans don’t take advantage of the things that could restore our bodies and eliminate our health problems easily. By depriving ourselves of the world’s most natural and fresh resource, we are depriving our bodies of optimal wellness and while drinking a glass of water might seem like the simplest thing in the world… So much that it’s rather strange that we don’t place enough emphasis on it, we continue to treat it like we don’t need it.

If the best road to optimal health and wellness is listening to your body, then take a moment to listen now.

Signs you’re not drinking enough water

You have a dry mouth

As one of the most obvious sign, we often take it as one that doesn’t allow it to be replenished by water, but rather soda or a beverage. While many would rather sip that glass, it is important to remember that water helps to eliminate toxins from your body and apart from clenching your thirst, it will also eliminate your skin problems and give you a healthy glow.

Overly thirsty?

Being overly thirsty is one such symptom that goes way past a dry mouth, it’s also felt on your tongue. This is especially true for those who drink alcohol or too much coffee which dehydrates the entire body.

The driest eyes in town

If water affects your entire mouth, then surely it must have an effect on your eyes too. This is indeed very true. A lack of water can turn your eyes completely bloodshot. Why may you ask? Well, dehydration dries up your tear ducts. This could damage your eyes and in extreme cases, make you lose your eyesight.

A loss of muscle mass and joint pain

Did you know that the majority of your muscles consist out of water? Well, apart from that, water also lubricates your joints, so if you’re feeling a little stiff or sore, have a large glass of water and be sure to replenish on the regular.

Rent water dispenser and purchase water cooler from Living-Water in London.