Severn Trent pulled in extra staff and resources to deal with the significantly more incidents of flooding than it would normally expect at this time of year.
Natallie Welch, customer contact manager for Severn Trent, said that they are aware of the problems and are taking all possible measures, including having extra staff on duty in call centres and in the field and additional teams in high flood-risk areas.
She added, Unfortunately, in stormy weather, the drains and sewers often have significantly more water flowing through them. When we get a lot of rain in one go, it has a hard time sinking into the ground; so it just runs off the surface and goes directly into drains and sewers.
Severn Trent has asked customers to be patient and check whether the flooding in their home is simply rainwater or sewage that has come from an overflowing sewer; if it is rainwater, the flooding will subside once it stops raining.
Severn Trent will treat any flooding as a result of sewage is escaping, possibly through a manhole cover, as a priority and would get a team out to that area to help as quickly as possible.
People worried about flooding from drains and gullies in the road should call their local council who is responsible for road drainage. In instances where the flooding is being caused by an overflowing river or stream, they should get in touch with the Environment Agency.
Individuals who experience flooding in their homes may have to wait a bit as there are many calls to respond to, but Severn Trent says they will get to everyone as soon as is humanly possible. In the meantime, Welch said, they should try to follow the advice given and can also visit the company website to get more advice and to save time.
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