Reasons Why POU Water Coolers are BestWith so many individuals and businesses investing in water coolers these days in order to ensure that they stay hydrated and in good health, there are many different models of water cooler on offer.

Although there are many different models, there are actually only two types; bottled water coolers and mains water coolers. Mains water coolers are also known as point-of-use water coolers, and unlike bottled water coolers, they are plumbed directly into the main water lines.

Whereas bottled water coolers rely on huge inverted bottles of water on top of the water cooler and require storage space for both full and empty bottles, all mains water coolers require is a connection to a water line.

POU water coolers are best because:

  • They do not require you to change heavy water bottles;
  • They provide you with easily accessible drinking water 24/6/365;
  • They require absolute minimal maintenance;
  • They come in various styles to suit every budget and colour scheme;
  • All POU water coolers can be fitted with a filter to ensure that your drinking water is the healthiest and best tasting;
  • Some models have an inbuilt computer allowing consumption patterns to be identified and pre-planned;

Many point-of-use water coolers also offer great features like a lift-out drip tray with removable grid for easy cleaning; a thermistor heat sensor; electronics for stable hot temperature; a mains drainage option; an internal cup dispenser; a large porthole ideal for filling coffee carafes & sports bottles; Direct Chill Capacity; and more.

A fountain water cooler is the perfect POU water cooler for schools, factories, leisure centres, sports clubs and other places where there is a need for a large amount of consistently high-quality drinking water over prolonged periods. They also come with various options of dispensers such as a combination of dispenser jet and/or a swan neck dispenser.

If you are thinking of investing in a water cooler, a mains water cooler may just be the right choice for you, whether at home or in an office.