I have a great little water cooler at home, and although many of my friends enjoy using it when we get together, some of them are still not convinced that investing in a home water cooler is an investment in one’s health; they still see it as a fad or a luxury item.
Thinking about this made me realise that most people out there probably feel the same and they are so completely wrong that I just have to share my logic and reasons for buying what has become a necessity in my home.
I don’t really care what the government, the Drinking Water Directorate, or anyone else has to say about the tap water; I think it tastes and smells strange. I am also not at all keen on the fact that it contains trace amounts of chlorine by-products and fluoride, both of which are carcinogenic, and who knows what other impurities, so I will not drink it and I will not let my children drink it.
I invested in a home water cooler because:
- It provides us with filtered, chilled drinking water 24/7 which means my children drink more water and less carbonated drinks – this is good for their health and my pocket;
- The floor-standing model that we have means that even my youngest can get a nice glass (or cup in his case) of ice-cold water to drink with no effort at all and without having to take a jug of water out of the fridge (which previously cost many changes of clothing, mopped spills and 2 new jugs);
- The large porthole means that I and the rest of the family can fill our water bottles easily, which means that none of us have to drink tap water or buy bottled water when out exercising or at work or school – once again healthy and money saving;
- The model we have dispenses cold, ambient and hot water, which means that we can make our hot drinks (or luke-warm ones for our youngest) without having to boil a kettle – convenience and again, my favourite; money-saving;
- I never have to worry about ice for all those drinks when we entertain as the chilled water does the job fine.
So, for those who still think that having a water cooler at home is just being fancy and a fad, think again – my family is healthy and I am smiling all the way to the bank.