Provide Someone with Potable Water this ChristmasWhile opening a tap and dispensing a nice clean glass of drinking water is an everyday occurrence to most of us, there are approximately 663 million people across the globe that are not as lucky.

Yes six hundred and sixty three million people do not have access to clean water. Most of these are in developing countries where someone, usually the women or girl-child must walk far to collect a bit of water for the use of the entire household. This often means the young girls miss out on schooling or the women are unable to work.

Despite this, millions of children are dying every single day from no access to clean water and hygienic sanitation, mainly from water-related diseases such as diarrhoea.

A water charity has come up with a great idea for Christmas – instead of giving lavish presents that people don’t want, give a donation in their name instead that will provide clean water to families in need.

Charity: Water has launched a project called Who’s at YOUR Table? They ask individuals to think about who is at their table and to make a mental list of their best listeners, biggest helpers and great advice-givers and to honour them by donating $30 per individual to help change the world.

100% of funds gifted to charity: water will go towards water projects as operating costs are covered by a private group of donors.

To make it easier to sell the idea of giving to charity rather than giving presents, one can even get a Who’s at YOUR Table? kit so that your dinner table can be dressed the part, including:

  • Recognition Cards so that you can share the impact of your donation in their honour with your loved one;
  • Place-Setting Card Templates;
  • Menu Template;
  • Photos with information about water on to decorate the table with so that people can SEE what an impact their donations can make

It’s not about the table; it’s about the people we invite
To sit, dream, laugh, eat, or share at the table with us.
Who’s at your table?

Get a free water cooler trial and site needs assessment from Living-Water. Hire a water cooler and buy water dispensers in London.