Percentages and Role of Water in the Human BodyContrary to popular belief, the human body is not just made up of organs, bone and blood; around 70% of it is water. It is important and also interesting to know the percentages and role of water in the human body so that we can understand why it is so important to drink water regularly.

This makes the body in effect a huge sponge that has water that gets soaked up into various areas, and also because, like a sponge, the human body cannot store water. We lose water regularly throughout the day, and not only when the weather is hot or when we perform physical functions or do some sort of exercise.

Percentages and Role of Water in the Human Body

Babies have about 85% water in their bodies, and this percentage gets less and less as we grow older; the average adult body holds around 70% water, and this can decrease to as little as 45% in the elderly. Average water volume in the older adult body is generally between 50 to 60% for females and 60 to 65% for males.

The water in the body is spread about in the following constant percentages:

  • Bones – 31% water;
  • Brain – 85% water;
  • Heart – 73% water;
  • Kidneys – 79% water
  • Muscles – 79% water; and
  • Skin is 64% water

The human body needs the fluid balance to remain constant in order for each of its millions of cells, the organs, muscles and bones to remain in top condition and do what they are meant to do. We constantly lose water through sweating, breathing, urinating and passing stools; if we do not replace this water it will lead to dehydration.

Drinking water regularly is crucial because it is water that:

  • Aids in digestion by wetting our food (saliva) and aids in breaking up the food;
  • Allows the blood to flow freely through our veins, distributing nutrients and oxygen to our cells;
  • Keeps the joints lubricated and able to easily move as well as cushioning them;
  • Keeps our core body temperature controlled via sweating and evaporation of sweat from our skin;
  • Keeps our skin moisturised and plump;
  • Protects our brain from getting damaged by knocks on the head;
  • Gets rid of toxins in the body via the kidneys and urination; and
  • Helps the lungs expand and contract with the diaphragm

If we do not drink water and maintain the percentages of water in our body, we will become dehydrated, which could lead to dizziness, thirst, nausea, impaired thinking, inability to pass urine, constipation, heart problems, and many more serious health problems.

Drinking fresh, pure water is one of the healthiest things that anyone can do for their body. If you are like me and do not like the smell or taste of chemicals in your drinking water, invest in a water cooler that filters your drinking water and provides chilled, refreshing drinking water 24/7.

Living-Water sells water coolers in London and hire water coolers to businesses.