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Recent Blog Posts

1606, 2022

Rental of Water Coolers in the United Kingdom

By |June 16, 2022|Categories: Living-Water, Office Water Coolers, Water Coolers|Comments Off on Rental of Water Coolers in the United Kingdom

There is a growing expectation that workplaces must provide their employees with access to a water cooler; however, not everyone is persuaded that purchasing either a bottled water cooler or a mains water cooler is [...]

1506, 2022

What are the Positive Effects That Water Coolers Have on One’s Health?

By |June 15, 2022|Categories: Healthy Living, Water And Your Health|Comments Off on What are the Positive Effects That Water Coolers Have on One’s Health?

It is common knowledge at this point that the majority of our bodies are composed of water, right? The vast majority of us are also aware that the human body is unable to store water [...]

1406, 2022

Why Do Schools Benefit Most from Having Drinking Water Fountains?

By |June 14, 2022|Categories: Water Coolers|Comments Off on Why Do Schools Benefit Most from Having Drinking Water Fountains?

Children aren't getting enough water during the school day, and this article aims to explain why drinking water fountains are the best option for schools. Schools are places where a lot of physical and mental [...]

1306, 2022

The Human Body’s Water and PH Balance

By |June 13, 2022|Categories: Healthy Living, Water And Your Health|Comments Off on The Human Body’s Water and PH Balance

What's the connection between whatever it is and the pH of the human body? The right balance of acid and alkaline in our bodies is what we mean when we talk about pH, so let's [...]

1006, 2022

Ten Reasons to Increase Your Water Consumption

By |June 10, 2022|Categories: Healthy Living, Water And Your Health|Comments Off on Ten Reasons to Increase Your Water Consumption

Because water makes up about 70% of the human body, it is essential that we drink plenty of it to keep our fluid levels balanced. In spite of the debunking of the eight-glass rule, we [...]

906, 2022

Taking Care of Yourself and the Water You Drink

By |June 9, 2022|Categories: Healthy Living, Water And Your Health|Comments Off on Taking Care of Yourself and the Water You Drink

Drinking water is essential for human survival and optimal performance, so your health and the health of your drinking water are inextricably linked. Keeping hydrated is essential because every cell in the human body contains [...]


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