Living-Water Cooler Blog (2000+ Blogs)
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Recent Blog Posts
Is It Possible to Retrieve Potable Water from an Iceberg?
Water and oxygen are the only two things that are absolutely necessary for the survival of a human being. A number of countries throughout the world are currently dealing with water scarcity or water shortages, [...]
Is It Possible for Solar Energy to Produce Clean Water?
The human body is composed of approximately 70 percent water, and maintaining a healthy body requires regular consumption of water. In order for us to perform at our most best, we need to ensure that [...]
The Different Varieties of Water Available for Consumption
We are all aware that drinking water on a consistent basis is necessary to maintain proper hydration of the body and overall health, but how can we decide which of the many various kinds of [...]
There Are Many Advantages to Consuming Water
You have been taught your entire life that you should drink at least eight glasses of water each and every day, but you are not exactly clear why you should be doing so? In addition [...]
Maintain a Water Conscious Attitude and Help Save Water
Water is a valuable resource since it is essential to life, and it is also a commodity that is in danger of being depleted. To tell the truth, a human being is composed of around [...]
The Lemon Water’s Positive Effects on One’s Health
Our bodies are composed of between 65 and 70 percent water, and we lose between one and two percent of that water every time we perspire, breathe, urinate, or do any number of other bodily [...]