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3107, 2022

Drink Enough Water to Maintain a Healthy pH Level in Your Body.

By |July 31, 2022|Categories: Healthy Living, Water And Your Health|Comments Off on Drink Enough Water to Maintain a Healthy pH Level in Your Body.

The pH levels in your body need to be balanced, which is one of the reasons why you need to drink more water. The alkalinity or acidity of the fluids and tissues in your body [...]

3107, 2022

What is the Age of the Water That I Am Drinking?

By |July 31, 2022|Categories: General|Comments Off on What is the Age of the Water That I Am Drinking?

Since the formation of the earth hundreds of millions of years ago, or even longer, your drinking water has undoubtedly been present in some form or another. This is due to the fact that the [...]

3107, 2022

Elderly People are at a Hidden Risk for Dehydration

By |July 31, 2022|Categories: Healthy Living, Water And Your Health|Comments Off on Elderly People are at a Hidden Risk for Dehydration

The elderly frequently become dehydrated without realising it because they do not realise that they are becoming dehydrated as a result of the physical changes that are associated with ageing, and as a result, they [...]

3107, 2022

The Body Can Be Healed in Three Different Ways by Drinking Hot Water

By |July 31, 2022|Categories: Healthy Living, Water And Your Health|Comments Off on The Body Can Be Healed in Three Different Ways by Drinking Hot Water

If you are like the majority of people, you start your day by consuming a sizable cup of coffee or tea practically as soon as you open your eyes in the morning. If you [...]

3107, 2022

Why it’s Important for Your Muscles That You Stay Hydrated

By |July 31, 2022|Categories: Healthy Living, Water And Your Health|Comments Off on Why it’s Important for Your Muscles That You Stay Hydrated

The human body is composed of around 70 percent water, which can be found inside of cells, tissue, and blood vessels, as well as surrounding these structures. Dehydration occurs when the body loses bodily fluids [...]

2407, 2022

What is the Recommended Amount of Water That I Should Drink?

By |July 24, 2022|Categories: Healthy Living, Water And Your Health|Comments Off on What is the Recommended Amount of Water That I Should Drink?

Yes, we are all aware by this point that we need to drink water throughout the day in order to keep the fluid levels in our bodies in balance, in addition to remaining hydrated and [...]


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