Living-Water Cooler Blog (2000+ Blogs)
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Recent Blog Posts
Consuming Water Regularly Is Necessary for Proper Digestion
Your body is made up of approximately 70 percent water, and in order to prevent serious health issues, it is essential that you keep your fluid levels at a healthy level at all times. It [...]
The Importance of Providing Children with Access to Clean Drinking Water
In this day and age, getting children to drink water may be a real challenge; why should they when there are so many other tasty drinks that they would much rather drink? It is [...]
The Advantages of Starting Your Day with a Glass of Water
Because water makes up approximately 70 percent of the human body and must be constantly replenished, a good approach to begin the day is to down a large glass of water before doing anything else [...]
The Likelihood of Waking up with a Hangover is reduced by Drinking Water
If you have never had a night out on the town, overindulging in drink, and waking up the next morning feeling like death warmed over, then consider yourself fortunate because you have never had [...]
Does Consuming Water Prevent You From Keeping Water in Your Body?
Because the human body cannot survive without water and cannot operate effectively without water, and because we lose water throughout the day, we need to drink water on a consistent basis to prevent ourselves from [...]
Staying Hydrated is Essential for Preventing Heatstroke
It is very vital that we keep the water balance in our bodies at roughly 70 percent because if we do not, we will become dehydrated if we do not do this. Dehydration will soon [...]