Living-Water Cooler Blog (2000+ Blogs)
Welcome to Living-Water Cooler Blog, the largest most comprehensive collection of all water related topics. Here you will find water articles, advice, tips, healthy living and developments within the water cooler industry. Enjoy our expert water cooler blog!
Recent Blog Posts
Do You Know if There is Fluoride in the Water that You Drink?
Fluoride's catastrophic and poisonous consequences have been thoroughly documented by mainstream groups. Fluoride IS a toxin! The toxicity level of fluoride has been ranked as being higher than that of lead and just somewhat lower [...]
The Water Supply Is Becoming Severely Scarce
In the last century that the global population has increased by a factor of three, the demand for water from renewable sources has increased by a factor of six. The number of people living on this [...]
Why Companies Should Be Concerned About Their Water Supply Security
Because of limited resources all throughout the world, everyone of us needs to evaluate how we use those resources. Utilizing resources in a manner that does not result in their loss or waste is an [...]
The Consumption of Bottled Water Is Seeing Continued Growth in Popularity
Since the 1980s, there has been a consistent and significant increase in the demand for bottled water, with this trend continuing in the most recent decade. As more and more water supplies throughout the world [...]
What Exactly are Water Coolers?
The human body is made up of around 70 percent water, and we are constantly losing this water through numerous ways such as perspiration, breathing, peeing, and other processes. It is essential to maintain [...]
How to Reduce Your House’s Water Use and Save Money
It is essential that the water we drink is clean and free of any pollutants or toxins; otherwise, we run the risk of causing irreparable damage to our bodies by ingesting things that might potentially [...]