The fluoridation of drinking water has been a hot topic in many countries for quite a few years already, especially since various studies have linked fluoride to fluorosis, pitting of teeth, loss of IQ, and maybe worst of all, certain cancers, including bone cancer, especially in young boys.

Despite all of the above evidence that fluoride in the drinking water is not a good idea, the Orange Water And Sewage Authority (OWASA), has resumed putting fluoride into the water.

In a news release, OWASA said they fluoridate their water to promote dental health, under recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, American Dental Association, NC Division of Public Health, Orange County Board of Health and other organizations.

This has been met with both negative and positive comments after OWASA said in a press release they continue to invite public comment about fluoridation.

Fluoride is a chemical that most companies add to their toothpaste to help clean and whiten teeth. As you probably know, the purpose of fluoridation is to protect public health, said OWASA public affairs administrator, Greg Feller.

While the CDC and other authorities across the globe recommend placing trace amounts of fluoride in drinking water to promote dental health and say that it is not damaging, others such as the Fluoride Free Chapel Hill/Carrboro are not happy about fluoride being put back into the water.

It’s a toxic by-product that’s being put into our water without our consent, said Marcela Slade, a local parent and member of Fluoride Free CH/C.

The fluoride that is being put into our water is not actually the organic fluoride that rolls off stones. OWASA itself has told us it’s the hydrofluosilicic acid that is the by-product – toxic waste – of the aluminium industry and quartz mining, Slade said.

The CDC and EPA have concluded that hydrofluosilicic acid is not damaging when dispersed in low levels throughout drinking water.

While most European countries do not fluoridate public tap water and drinking water due to ethical or medical considerations, the drinking water in certain parts of UK is fluoridated.

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