If you are like me who sits behind a computer working all day, then you too might suddenly realise after a few hours that you have not had anything to drink and are mightily thirsty. My clients certainly like the fact that I am dedicated, as they always get their work ahead of schedule, but my body is not that happy.
The problem of sitting working for hours without drinking water is that one’s body becomes rather dehydrated, which is not healthy at all. It takes losing as little as 2% of bodily fluids for mild dehydration to set in. Unfortunately this can lead to between 20-30% reduction in cognitive, mental and physical performance.
So, if you suddenly realise that you have not moved for a few hours and feel fatigued, have a headache or feel hungry, it might actually just be that you need to drink water to hydrate. Not drinking water often throughout the day will cause one to start feeling as though the problem that you are working on just got far more difficult, your legs may begin cramping, your throat begins to feel like a razor, and your eyes seem to be stuck in one spot.
Investing in a water cooler in the office or at home is a very good way of ensuring that you remain hydrated. An office water cooler or a home water cooler will ensure that you always have chilled, fresh, great-tasting water to drink at the push of a button or the press of a lever.
If you are like me however, even having an office water cooler nearby is no guarantee that you will drink water as often as you should, because it just never enters your mind. The other reason is that when you are so caught up in your work you just do not see the office water cooler stuck there in the corner.
A great way of ensuring that you drink water as often as you should, and do not let that lovely chilled water in the water cooler go to waste is to fill a water bottle from the cooler and keep it on your desk where you can see it. This way you will be sure to drink water more often, and your body will thank you for it.
Drinking water regularly will not only keep you fully hydrated but will also reduce the risk of infection, diarrhoea, constipation, UTI infections, heart problems, and various other diseases and conditions. Drinking water regularly will ensure that you get ill less often and can work more for longer.
If you work for a boss, try to persuade him or her to provide the staff with branded water bottles to keep on their desks and maybe even take home with you once in a while, like when you have to go to the gym on the way home. You can then fill your water bottle from the office water coolers so that you have lovely chilled water to drink on the way or at the gym; this will be good advertising for the company.