Office water coolers needed? Different strokes for different folksWe’ve all heard the old line about having to drink eight glasses of water a day.  And while it’s a good maxim to live life by, it doesn’t necessarily ring true for everyone.

The amount of water you need to drink depends on your weight, your size and your lifestyle. Everybody lives differently, be it doing the gym twice a day, working 3 jobs or lounging on the couch for hours on end.

All these factors affect our water intake. The more productive (be it mentally or physically) we are, the more water we should consume. This does not necessarily mean you should stop taking in water if you lead a less active lifestyle – our bodies need water to function at an optimum.

One of the best ways to boost your water intake (and if you’re an employer, you’ll have vested interest in getting your staff to drink more water as hydration improves productivity) is to make it easy.

That statement may seem nonsensical, but studies show that if you keep a jug of water in the fridge or work in an office with a water cooler, you’ll drink more.

We become so entwined in our daily activities that consuming enough water is rarely on our mental ˜to-do’ checklists. So, if you run a business, make sure that you make water accessible for your staff.

Sandra Postel once said Water is the basis of life and the blue arteries of the earth! Everything in the non-marine environment depends on freshwater to survive. We spend most of our days at work and this is the place where it should be freely available. Invest in your health today.

For more information on office water coolers, make sure to contact us today.