Many individuals do not like the idea of drinking water from a water cooler because they think that water coolers are unhygienic. While this may be the case sometimes, especially in office water coolers used by many people, and compounded with bad maintenance, it is not true all of the time.

Office water coolers are gaining popularity because they ensure that the workforce remains hydrated even on the hottest of days, and because they make pure, clean, chilled water accessible virtually 24/7.

While the water in the water coolers is hygienic, bad maintenance can lead to other parts of the water cooler becoming covered in germs. According to health officials, home and office water coolers should be thoroughly cleaned at least once every six weeks, and in the case of bottled water coolers, this should be done with every bottle-change.

No matter how often your water cooler is cleaned, germs and bacteria grow very quickly in damp areas so it is important that the person doing so does a thorough job. It may actually be better for your water company to also clean and sanitise your water cooler on a regular basis as they know exactly how to do it.

The other way to ensure that your water cooler is clean and hygienic is to purchase your water cooler from one of London’s top water cooler companies, Living-Water, who offers a range of both bottled water coolers and mains water coolers.

Living-Water’s top-of-the-range office water coolers offer easy sanitising solutions, such as the Executive Bottled Water Cooler’s patented interchangeable “water cassette” or the Executive Mains Water Cooler’s ground-breaking Direct Dispense system.

If the top-of-the-range water cooler is a bit out of your budget, never fear because all of Living-Water’s drivers are trained to sanitise the water coolers when delivering fresh water bottles. Real time mapping and monitoring of delivery routes and the water system sanitisation process is done and drivers must check this off as part of the standard delivery process.