If you think of your body as a machine, which it is, then you must understand that when your body sends out signals you need to heed them. When your car will not start you know that something is wrong, probably with the battery, and will recharge the battery immediately. If it then still does not start you take your car to a mechanic to get sorted out.
Why then do you not do the same when you get signals from the most wonderful and complex bit of machinery on the planet? If your body is sending out signals there is something wrong; something out of balance, and you need to find out what it is and resolve the problem if you expect your body to function optimally.
While it is not always that easy to decode the signals that your body is sending out, it is vital that you do not ignore them. This is especially true in the case of signals regarding dehydration, as ignoring them could send your health into a rapid downward spiral that could end up in coma and even death.
Your body lets you know that it needs water because the normal 70% or so balance that it requires to function optimally has been neglected and dehydration has begun to set in. It is best that you do not ignore these signals if you want to remain in good health.
Thirst, a dry mouth and chapped lips are all signs that you are dehydrated and urgently need to drink water in order to rebalance your body’s fluid levels. In actual fact, by the time you feel thirsty your body is already around 2% dehydrated.
Your lips and skin, which is the largest organ in the body, are both good indicators of the hydration levels in your body. The skin on your lips is very delicate, which is why it reacts quickly to a dearth of water in the body. If you find yourself constantly licking your lips to moisten them it means that you are suffering a certain degree of dehydration and should drink water urgently.
Pinch the skin on the back of your hand quickly – does it return to normal fairly quickly? If it does not snap back within a second or two, that is called slow turgor and means that you are dehydrated and need to drink more water.
Other signals that your body sends to alert you to dehydration and the fact that you need to drink water urgently are dark yellow urine, headaches, dizziness, infrequent urination, fatigue, and a lack of energy.
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