Since the body consists of approximately 60% water, there is no doubt as to why it plays an important role in the human body. However, did you know that you could have too much water in certain parts of your body? This is, in fact, true and is referred to as ˜oedema’, which is a common negative effect of inflammation in the body.

Oedema can be caused by various things such as having a poor diet, food intolerances, kidney diseases or kidney failure, as well as being exposed to toxins. Water retention is a common side effect that occurs more in women than men and can negatively impact your life if it gets serious. Women especially experience excessive water retention during their menstrual cycle and it can add to their weight to up to 4kgs extra.

How to get rid of it?

We’re pretty sure after reading that, many would like to know. Especially the ladies. The following methods are proven to reduce water weight.

Promote the slumber

In case you thought diamonds were your best friends, sleep actually takes the cake. With its unlimited amount of benefits, sleep is considered to be just as important as diet and exercise and even flushes out toxins from your brain. Doctors orders? 7 to 9 hours!

Exercise on the regular

Ever exercised and felt instantly lighter the next morning? Well, while most think it’s impossible to actually be lighter the next morning, you in fact are. This is due to shedding excess water weight.

Stress¦ Be gone.

Stress is one of the worst reasons why your body might be holding on to weight as it increases your cortisol levels which influences your water weight. When stressed, you actually appear heavier than you are. While the hormone controlled by stress is the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), it is definitely one such you want to keep under control.

Include electrolytes into your diet

Think including sources of magnesium and potassium into your diet which both work towards balancing the water levels in your body. Bananas and sweet potatoes are your friends.


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