Many individuals have taken to drinking bottled water due to the fact that they do not like the taste of the tap water or because they believe that the fluoride that is added to the water is not good for them.
Unfortunately while this practice has served to keep them healthier and hydrated as well as slake their thirst, it has also created a huge refuse problem because thousands of tons of plastic water bottles end up in landfills all over the world every year.
Make Your Office Greener with an Office Water Cooler
Apart from the fact that drinking bottled water can become a very expensive habit over time, the bottles are creating an ecological nightmare.
One way to ensure that you make your office greener is by investing in a water cooler for your staff that will eliminate the need for them to buy bottled water every day. This will inure you to your staff and it is a much greener option.
Installing a Mains water cooler will be best for your bottom line as, according to research, replacing just one water jug is equal to planting 120 trees annually. Mains water coolers or point-of-use (POU) water coolers are plumbed directly into your main water line.
Living-Water, London’s premier water supply company is committed to the environment and has gone to great lengths to minimise its carbon footprint. They have been working with Carbon Digest to cut power consumption and have also planted a tree for every additional water cooler sold since 2008.
Living-Water is an accredited member of the British Water Cooler Association (BWCA) and both Living-Water and its bottling plant are members of the European Independent Mains and Bottled Cooler Association (EIMBCA). Membership of these two associations ensures that Living-Water adheres to the strictest regulations and standards regarding water coolers.
Living-Water offers a range of bottled water coolers which are filled with Living-Water Spring Water sourced and bottled in the South Shropshire Hills, on the border of the Welsh Marches. All of the bottles are reused up to 50 times each, after being thoroughly cleaned both inside and out. Once bottled, they are hygienically sealed.
Living-Water˜s range of mains water coolers offer a small footprint; efficient cooling; 98% reduction in the chance of microbiological contamination; fast, on-demand sanitisation; cost effectiveness and energy efficiency.
Contact Living-Water for more information on how to make your office greener and a free quote.