You may not think that investing in an office water cooler will make a difference to your office, but trust me, it will. If you are wondering how an office water cooler can make a difference and make your office a better place to work, read on¦
By now just about everyone knows that the human body consists of around 70% water and that we lose some of this every day, throughout the day, by various means. Even when sitting behind a desk doing mundane office tasks we perspire in warm weather, thereby keeping the body cool, but also losing crucial bodily fluids. Even breathing causes us to lose bodily fluids, as does urinating.
The loss of bodily fluids is natural and also necessary, as it rids the body of toxins and also helps it to cool down, but these bodily fluids have to be replaced so that the balance is maintained. When the balance of fluids in the body is out by even 3%, the body becomes dehydrated and this influences the way that it operates.
As the body becomes more and more dehydrated, an individual will experience thirst, a dry mouth, dizziness, a headache, fatigue, nausea, light-headedness, and an inability to do complex mathematical tasks. If the balance of bodily fluids is not restored this could further result in heatstroke, heart problems, kidney problems, coma, and even death.
Make Your Office a Great Place to Work, Get an Office Water Cooler!
Investing in an office water cooler will not only ensure that personnel have easy access to fresh, chilled, healthy water, but will also ensure that they remain hydrated throughout the day.
Keeping your staff hydrated will have a huge effect on the quality of their work because when dehydration takes hold it affects their cognitive abilities. By keeping staff hydrated you ensure that they will be able to do the work that they need to do, which will ultimately show on your bottom line.
Hydration is not the only positive side-effect of investing in an office water cooler though. Purchasing an office water cooler will also make the office a happier place. This may sound ridiculous, but various studies, such as those conducted by the University of Connecticut’s Human Performance Laboratory, concluded that mild dehydration without hyperthermia in men induced adverse changes in vigilance and working memory, and increased tension/anxiety and fatigue
[Source: British Journal of Nutrition].
The results in females showed that adverse affects of dehydration regarding mood and symptoms are far greater in females than in males. Let’s face it, even in today’s world, there are generally more females in offices than males, so if you want to keep them in a better mood, provide them with an office water cooler so that they drink more water and remain hydrated – you will be pleasantly surprised at the results.
Then there is the water cooler chat syndrome. Far from being a waste of work time, these little breaks around the office water cooler engender better office communication between staff, lighten the mood, and as many problems are often discussed, especially between different departments, many solutions are also found that may not have been had it not been for the office water cooler!