Plastic-free July is an annual global awareness initiative calling millions of people to reduce their plastic waste by saying ‘No’ to single-use plastic. Despite the first-world edginess associated with environmentally friendly consumerism, the ancient concept of caring for our planet catapults plastic into the limelight as a prime culprit for aggravating landfill issues and the pollution of our oceans.
Here at Living Water UK – thanks to our bottled water coolers – we are proud to be a small part of the solution; not only in July but all year round.
The discussions around reducing the crisis of global waste are complex and multi-faceted, but we believe every little bit counts. And a proactive approach to reducing single-use plastic is as simple as installing a bottled water cooler at home or the office.
But water dispensers just keep on giving, way beyond plastic-free July. So make the change, join the #plasticfreejuly challenge and become a ˜zero-waste’ influencer.
Here are 3 motivational and sustainable benefits of investing in a hot and cold bottled water cooler:
#1 Environmentally-friendly | They help to save the planet
One wouldn’t automatically think of a bottled water cooler – which is made of plastic – to be an obvious sustainable solution. But hot and cold water dispensers speak to the spirit behind the plastic-free July movement which seeks to reduce the amount of plastic waste in our environment by encouraging fellow citizens to make the shift towards long-term, environmentally-friendly habits.
By making the change from single-use plastic bottles to bottled water coolers, the immediate cut back on plastic waste is significant.
Consider these statistics: It’s estimated that around 13 billion plastic bottles are used in the UK every year. Unfortunately, only around 7.5 billion of these are recycled. The remaining 5.5 billion end up in landfills or the ocean.
Transitioning towards more sustainable plastic alternatives is a community project. And this is where our Living Water UK range of water coolers steps in as a sustainable solution to limiting our daily single-use plastic consumption by taking a short walk to the water cooler.
Simple swap: Ditch the plastic cups and refill a glass or your reusable water bottle.
#2 User-friendly | They help to simplify your life
We don’t need decluttering enthusiasts telling us to edit stuff from our lives or forward-thinking designers inspiring us on how to embrace smaller places. The reality is this: who has space to store bulk water bottles in their kitchen pantry or fridge?
We are also bombarded with healthy lifestyle gurus (and medical professionals) telling us of the benefits of drinking hot and cold water to boost our physical and mental performance. What could be more hassle-free and convenient than a bottled water cooler with instant and filtered hot or cold water ‘on tap’?
And then there are the children. Instilling healthy lifestyle habits in kids and educating them on their responsibility to be eco-conscious starts when they are young. Little ones are copycats. And if mom, dad or teachers are modelling the healthy daily habit of drinking water from a water cooler, they are likely to follow suit as their default behaviour; becoming mini influencers.
#3 Budget-friendly | They help to save you money
The maths is pretty self-explanatory; just add up the amount you spend on single-use water bottles in a month and suddenly the affordable solution of renting or buying a bottled water cooler for your home or office will make financial long-term sense. (You don’t even need #plasticfreejuly to change your thinking).
Considering that the average person uses 156 plastic bottles per year and you then multiply that by the number of family members in your home or employees in your office, the solution suddenly seems obvious. Here at Living Water, renting a water cooler starts from £1/week! This makes a bottled water cooler more cost-effective compared to constantly buying individual plastic water bottles.
(We also offer FREE delivery, FREE installation, FREE site assessment, a FREE 7-day trial and FREE cooler repairs & maintenance).
As London’s leading independent water delivery service and water cooler company, we offer our clients in the Greater London area an extensive range of affordable bottled natural spring water coolers (18.9 litres) and mains-fed water dispensers.