Make Drinking Water Part of Your Healthy LifestyleDrinking water is one thing that every single living thing on earth needs to do, as our bodies need water to survive. Without water the human body becomes dehydrated and will cease to function optimally on various fronts, and can even lapse into a coma.

Drinking water regularly throughout the day should be a habit that we all embrace as we need to maintain the around 70% balance of water while our body is losing water all the time via urination, sweating, and various other bodily functions, including just breathing.

It is easy to grab an ice-cold sugary drink when we are hot, as it tastes great and quenches our thirst, if only for a while, but do you know that according to the NHS 25% of sugar intake in adults and 40% of sugar intake in children and teenagers comes from drinking soft drinks, fruit juices and other drinks?

Drinking water regularly is a healthy habit to form because our body needs water to function at its peak; water contains no sugar and no calories, but water does contain vital nutrients that your body needs in order to function at its best.

Your body needs water in order to hydrate your mucous membranes, to help aid your digestion, to keep your skin elastic and supple, to help your joints move as well l as to cushion them, to aid your muscles to work properly, to transport nutrients and oxygen throughout your body via your bloodstream, and to help you think clearly. WOW! Just think, without water in your body it would not be able to do any of those things – which means that you would basically just die!

Drinking water throughout the day therefore helps you to function much better, keeps your brain alert and able to think and do calculations, keeps your muscles moving you forward, and makes sure that when you knock your knee on the edge of the table you do not break any bones. Of course drinking water is also good for weight loss or maintenance, as water fills you up therefore you eat less.

Get natural spring water and water cooler accessories from Living-Water.