End Water Poverty: Sanitation and Water for All.
Since March 2007, WaterAid has been campaigning alongside a number of other organisations as part of the End Water Poverty coalition.
What is End Water Poverty?
End Water Poverty is a growing international campaign that is supported by over 180 like minded organisations from across the world. The coalition is calling for immediate action to address the global sanitation and water crisis.
Why is WaterAid working in coalition?
WaterAid believes that when a wide range of organisations from all parts of the world join together to campaign with a ‘collective voice’, it sends a clear and powerful message to governments and other influential decision makers that is hard to ignore.
Several WaterAid country programmes have become really active in End Water Poverty including Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria, Ghana and Nepal.
What organisations are members of the End water Poverty coalition?
To name just a few: Save the Children, Care International, Oxfam, Plan International, Pump Aid, Sightsavers International, Tearfund, Unicef- UK, Unison and WWF. See the full list of End Water Poverty members.
Water dispensers in London and water coolers from Living-Water.