Water Delivery CompanyWe figured you’d rather have a water delivery company chasing you than having to waste your time phoning people who didn’t answer their phones, or played lousy hold the line music only to tell you that they didn’t have what you’re looking for in stock.

Fill in your details on our contact form and we’ll pass them on to our water cooler specialists that will call you back almost immediately with a free quote. We will contact you with our best offer, exclusive to Living-Water clients. It’s a 100% free, no obligation service.

We know you’re serious about buying. And you will get a good deal from someone who actually wants your business.

We are serious about making sure you always get a great deal. After all, we have to uphold our reputation as the best place to buy water dispensers in London.

At Living-Water we pride ourselves on being the best service experience you will ever have.

We have built a culture in our organization which values the relationship with our customers at all times. Systems have been built and implemented to ensure that right from the start of our relationship, the customer is treated way better than he or she expects. Personalised service covering all aspects of the relationship, including quotations, sales, water ordering, deliveries, accounting systems, and repairs and maintenance are in place. Customer relationship management systems keep track of each interaction with the customer, to make sure we never let you down.

Specialised corporate care divisions take care of the special needs of larger customers. Each customer care person has a backup staff member to ensure that no request for assistance ever goes unattended.

Rent water cooler or purchase water cooler online in London.