Living-Water Garden Tips for the HolidaysWater is not only necessary for the human body, as without water, plants will not grow and there would be no plant life for animals to graze on.

Water is intractably at the centre of the ecosystem without which living plants, animals or humans would not survive.

Thinking about water conservation has very much become a hot topic so here are some of mine and Living-Waters suggestions regarding the garden and how to prepare it before going on holiday during the hot summer months.


  • Do not water the garden just before going on holiday as it will very quickly green back up on your return but do remember to soak all the plants really well.
  • After you have soaked the plants, spade on a layer of mulch all around which will keep the moisture in the ground and improve soil texture/fertility
  • If you are going on holiday at the height of summer, don’t mow your lawn just before you go as when it grows longer the grass holds moisture within better and also shades the ground below.
  • For customers in London where potted plants are prevalent, to avoid drying out while away, place them in the shade if possible and preferably within a container (eg an old paddling pool) with a couple of cms of water to keep the soil moist as long as possible
  • Another alternative is to take a Living-Water sports bottle (not one of our large water cooler bottles please where you will forfeit a deposit) and stick it full of water upside down into the plant with the top pulled out
  • Fit an irrigation system and time it to come on at 5am in the morning – Never last thing at night as the water is absorbed into the soil much better early morning when dew might be present.

Of course if all else fails and you are worried about your garden, if you are a Living-Water customer we can always send a water cooler driver to give the garden a quick watering while you sunbathe in the sun. Rent a water cooler or purchase water dispenser online from Living-Water.