How do I Know Which Water Cooler is Best for Me?Modern water coolers are smaller, more-streamlined and sexier than ever before, and can be colour-coordinated to home or office colour schemes, making them more popular than ever, especially with those individuals who are eco-conscious as well as health-conscious.

Having an office water cooler (or three) is now de rigueur, and many homes also now sport home water coolers of kind or another as more individuals realise the benefits of having great-tasting, chilled water on tap 24/7.

When deciding to purchase a water cooler, first decide which type of water cooler you want or need, as there are many various types, styles and sizes of water coolers. It is important that you invest in a water cooler that satisfies your particular needs completely as well as suiting your budget.

There are essentially two types of water coolers; bottled water coolers and mains water coolers:

  • Bottled Water Coolers consist of a cabinet on which an inverted water bottle is placed. Once the water in the bottle is empty, it needs to be replaced with a full bottle, which necessitates space to store both full and empty water bottles. Bottled water coolers are suited to homes and smaller businesses.
  • Mains Water Coolers are also known as Point-Of-Use (POU) water coolers because they are plumbed directly into your main water line and can be fitted with a filter to ensure that your drinking water is pure and free of toxins and contaminants. POU water coolers are suited both to homes and to sports venues, large offices and anywhere else that chilled water is required in quantity.

Some water coolers dispense cold, ambient and hot water; some water coolers have an auto-sanitisation system which makes maintenance child’s play; some water coolers are floor-standing models while others are small and made to fit on virtually any counter-top, and others are under-counter models.

Once you have decided on which type of water cooler you prefer, it is time to decide on the style or model that will best suit you. If you are based in the Greater London catchment area, the easiest way to do this is to contact London’s favourite water supply company, Living-Water to come out and do a free water-need assessment and introduce you to their range of state-of-the-art water coolers