The kind of water that you should be drinking depends on where you are in the world and what is available to you. Many third world countries do not have decent drinking water, and even first world countries have problems with their municipal water being made toxic by drugs and other pollutants.
Bottled water is always an option, but bottled water can become expensive and don’t believe all the hype on the labels that says that bottled water is healthier for you because it contains vitamins, enhancers, or comes from the Alps or whatever, because most of those are just plain lies. Bottled water is also very detrimental to the environment as most of those bottles are not recyclable and end up in landfills across the globe, creating an ecological nightmare.
If you do not like drinking tap water because the quality is not good enough or the smell or taste puts you off, then your best option for staying fully hydrated and healthy is a water cooler. While ingesting other fluids does add to your daily liquid requirement, plain water should make up at least 80% of it.
Bottled Water Coolers
Living-Water’s bottled water coolers are more suited to smaller businesses that have the space to store both full and empty bottles. The 18.9 litre bottles are filled with Living-Water spring water from the Wenlock range, which is chilled, fresh, sweet, and refreshes like tap water could never do.
Mains Water Coolers
Mains water coolers, also called plumbed-in water coolers or point-of-use (POU) water coolers, improve the impurities found in tap water and when fitted with one of Living-Water’s Triple Activated Carbon Filters, dispenses totally pollutant and toxin-free drinking water. The resulting water tastes so similar to natural spring water that you will automatically drink more. Mains water coolers are ideally suited to large firms, sporting venues and any other place where there are more people who want to drink water.
So, drink water that is fresh, unpolluted and tastes and smells great, preferably not out of a plastic bottle. Drink water that refreshes you and most of all, drink water regularly throughout the day and last thing in the evening.