Welsh Water has appointed Mouchel to work on two key sustainable drainage plans (SDPs) as part of its AMP6 asset management consultancy framework, and add to the current 15 SDP’s, centred on the South Wales towns of Bridgend, Merthyr Tydfil and Port Talbot, that have been awarded to Mouchel. The plans cover 14 rural water catchments in the North of Wales including the town of Wrexham and are worth around £140,000.

DCWW’s Sustainable Drainage Plans optimise their contribution to outcome delivery through a flexible and pro-active approach to developing catchment level plans. The flexible approach of the SDPs to deliver ˜Business as Usual’ ˜Customer Led’ Sustainable Drainage Plans, following industry leading guidance, provides the basis of a framework for delivering 21st Century Drainage.

Early focus on understanding the catchment strategy and contingent interventions focuses the SDP on delivery of the right outcomes for DCWW from the outset of the SDP. The first stage of the SDP is focused on understanding the context of the SDP catchment within the wider business before any investment in updating catchment specific planning tools or undertaking surveys.

Mouchel was recently acquired by global professional services consultancy WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, and was appointed to Welsh Water’s AMP6 framework in September 2015. The company is aiding Welsh Water to deliver their vision for sustainable drainage plans, utilising best practice approaches within the investment planning sector. The framework covers 30,000 km of sewers, 838 wastewater treatment works and 1,912 sewage pumping stations.

Andrew Power, Mouchel technical manager for water, said: This appointment is testament to our previous efforts and our strong working relationship with Welsh Water. This win will provide significant opportunities for the water team in Sutton Coldfield over the next 18 months, which will allow us to develop staff in key technical skills in the water sector and provide an excellent ongoing service for Wales.

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