Although many individuals, especially women, constantly tote a bottle of water from which they incessantly drink in an attempt to stay youthful looking, there is insufficient data to prove that drinking astronomical quantities of water has a significant effect on your skin
[Source: Bellenir].
Keeping Your Skin Hydrated
A 2002 Dartmouth Medical School study found no evidence to support the outdated idea that everyone needs to drink eight glasses of water every day. This does not mean that we should not drink water, but just that it is not necessary to force ourselves to drink an excess of water.
While the skin does need water to remain hydrated, as does the rest of your body, drinking too much water could lead to water intoxication. Using a moisturiser on your skin while still damp from the shower will help lock in the moisture that your skin has soaked up while bathing [Source: Mayo Clinic].
Drinking water in the morning before you do anything else will kick-start your metabolism and is a good way to start your day. Drinking water at regular intervals throughout the day will ensure you remain hydrated and keep your body operating at its peak.
The amount of water that you need to drink every day in order to keep your skin and the rest of your body hydrated depends on your own individual circumstances; your age, gender, health, level of activity and the climate.
Remember that we do not only get fluid into our bodies by drinking water; we also get a lot of liquid by eating water-rich fruit and vegetables and drinking other liquids, but the main source of fluid should be pure water.
Every Living-Water bottle is thoroughly cleaned both inside and out using Wenlock’s modern bottling facilities, and once bottled hygienically sealed from the outside world. Our crystal clean natural spring water emerges deep from its natural, underground source filtering through the geologically famous rock strata of the Wenlock mountain range.
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