Do we as human beings really consume THAT much water? Everywhere we look we are being told to drink more water yet save water at the same time, so what do we actually do?
Well, firstly, we need to understand the term consume as it is used in this sense. We consume water in many different ways, and drinking it, which is vital to our good health, is only a mere fraction of what we as humankind consume.
The human body consists of between 60% and 70% water, and in order to maintain this balance, which is vital to every single cell in our bodies, we need to constantly drink water to replace that which we have lost due to perspiration, urination, breathing and other bodily functions.
When it is hot or when we do physical work or exercise we sweat more, and therefore need to drink more water to avoid muscle cramps, fatigue and heat-stroke. This is the type of water consumption that we must definitely not skimp on; lack of water in the body leads to dehydration, which means the body cannot function optimally.
Other ways in which we consume water are for personal hygiene, cooking, food preparation, recreation, and watering our gardens. Water is also consumed for power and for agricultural and industrial purposes.
We can save a lot of water on the personal use front by ensuring that we do not have any leaking taps or pipes, toilets, or showers. We can also save water by only watering the garden when it is cool and when the wind is not blowing so that we are sure that the water is going where it is needed and not evaporating or being blown on the pathways instead.
A big water user on the home-front is the toilet; installing a low-flow toilet will save thousands of litres of water annually, as will a low-flow showerhead. Another huge wastage of water is running a washing machine or a dishwasher with only half a load, so make sure that you only wash full loads.
It is also incumbent upon us to ensure that we act as watchdogs for industrial water-use and speak up if and when we notice that water is being wasted by any company.
Rent water coolers and buy water coolers online from Living-Water. Get bottled water coolers and mains fed water coolers for your office or home.