Thousands of individuals across the globe are getting involved in the Just Water Challenge to help raise awareness of the 663 million people around the world who don’t have access to clean, safe water, as well as to raise vital funds for WaterAid’s work overseas.

Human beings are made of 70% water, so naturally drinking more water does wonders for our minds and bodies. Join the Just Water Challenge and drop the caffeinated, alcoholic and sugary drinks for the month of January, and just drink water – your body will thank you!

Join the challenge for either 2 or 4 weeks and donate the money that you save on coffee, tea, soft drinks, and alcoholic drinks to WaterAid. Should the challenge prove too much for you, you can make use of the Raise-a-glass Pass by donating £15 towards your fundraising goal in exchange for a day/night off! Just £15 is enough to provide one person with clean, safe water.

Taking the Challenge means that you will be benefitting your own health as well as helping transform the lives of others for the better. The Just Water starts on 4th January, but you can still join whatever the date.

Sparkling water, still water and soda water are allowed, but nothing else, including flavoured water. You may add fresh fruit or herbs in their natural state to your drinking water, but no cordials or tea bags. Drinking soup or a smoothie as a meal is fine, but not as a drink; this means that yes, you can still put milk on your cereal in the mornings, but cannot drink a glass of milk.

Of course, if you have a water cooler, you will have access to lovely chilled, toxin-free drinking water virtually non-stop, so it should not be too much of a bind. If you are living in the northern hemisphere, hopefully you have a water cooler that offers cold/ambient and hot water options, so you can still drink as much water as possible without feeling even colder.

All funds raised through Just Water will help some of the world’s poorest communities access safe water and hygienic sanitation. Make your challenge worth more by getting family, friends or colleagues to sponsor you.