Is the Fluoride in your Water Damaging Your Pineal Gland?Fluoride has been added to the water supply in many countries since sometime around the end of WWII in an effort to improve overall dental health. Unfortunately, despite good intentions, the adverse effects of fluoride in the water are possibly worse than the good it does.

Fluoride in the drinking water has been linked to various diseases including bone cancer, notably in young boys. The World Health Organization (WHO) also agrees that Fluoride levels above 1.5 mg per litre causes pitting of tooth enamel and deposits in bones.

[Source: WHO]

Is the Fluoride in your Water Damaging Your Pineal Gland?

The pineal gland is Located in the centre of the brain and is responsible for melatonin synthesis (important in maintaining normal rhythms and sleep cycles), as well as helping to convert signals between the human nervous and endocrine systems.

The problem is that the pineal gland can absorb even more than our bones. The biggest problem is that melatonin is thought to act as a neuro-protector that I thought to play a role in the aging process and in Alzheimer’s, so when fluoride in your drinking water affects it, this can create huge problems.

When there is too much fluoride in the body (we get it not only from water, but from toothpaste and some foodstuffs too), it can accumulate and calcify on the gland, blocking its effectiveness, and as we grow older and continue ingesting fluoride, these deposits worsen.

Blockages of the pineal gland can lead to weight gain and insomnia, amongst other problems. Fortunately there are things that can be done to detox and decalcify your pineal gland from fluoride:

  • Stop drinking tap water that contains fluoride;
  • Buy only fluoride-free dental products; and
  • Take iodine to detoxify your pineal gland

A simple method of ensuring that you are not drinking water containing fluoride is to invest in a watercooler both at your home and business. Make sure that the water cooler that you choose uses a good filter, like the Living-Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter.