Two glasses with mineral water, lemon slices and straws standing in the sun.Drinking water is vital for good health, and because of the fact that there are so many individuals walking around at least mildly dehydrated most of the time, the news has been full of articles encouraging people to drink more water.

Unfortunately, due to this, many unscrupulous people have been taking advantage of the hype around drinking water to sell all kinds of water products that are supposedly healthy and will turn you into a veritable super-being if you drink them.

Is Drinking Electrolysed or Hydronium Water Really that good for Me?

Below are some examples of so-called healthy water that is being peddled by these individuals and companies:

Electrolysed Water

Electrolysed or as Kangen Healing Water supposedly contains hydrogen in the form of atoms and can cure gangrene, hepatitis, diabetes, cirrhosis, and cancer. Electrolysed Water has been approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health but by no other Drinking Water Body, and according to the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), it is nothing more than a hoax.

Oxygenated Water

Oxygenated water supposedly enhances one’s athletic performance, is purported to come from a source in the Dolomites and contain around 150mg of oxygen. This is approximately 25 times more oxygen than there is in tap water, and according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, …a single breath of air contains more O2 than a bottle of oxygenated water.”

[Source: JAMA Vol. 290 No. 18, November 12, 2003, Oxygenated Water and Athletic Performance]

Structure Altered Water (SAW)

This is purported to be water that has been altered in such a way that it will remove toxic compounds from your body, thereby improving your general health. Stephen Lower, retired faculty member of the Dept. of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby / Vancouver, Canada, says that ¦ none of these views has any significant support in the scientific communities of chemistry, biochemistry, or physiology, nor are they even considered worthy of debate. [Source: Water Cluster Quackery]

Hydronium Water

Hydronium Water was supposed to have cured illnesses such as strep throat and psoriasis and also act as a water disinfectant, due to a high concentration of hydronium ions. The lab was shut down by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for ˜selling under false pretences.’

If you want to be sure of drinking pure, healthy water, rather invest in a water cooler; that way you will know what you are drinking is good for you and not a scam; cheaper too.

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