Investigating Water Security in the uMngeni River BasinThe uMngeni river basin is situated in KwaZulu-Natal, and is an important water source for the people of KwaZulu-Natal. Unfortunately, like in many other areas, it cannot always supply sufficient water for everyone.

Everyone needs water; water is a necessity for life, but unfortunately, like in many areas in South Africa, there are problems with the water supply and if current trends continue the water in South Africa as a whole will be insufficient to meet rising demand by 2025.

During a recent study tour, organised by the New Generation Plantations (NGP) platform, and hosted by WWF South Africa’s Mondi Wetlands Programme and pulp and packaging company Mondi, participants from 17 countries visited the uMngeni basin.

The tour was organised to check how the agriculture and forestry sectors can work together with Civil Society Organisations, Conservationists, Engineers, Business, and Government to better manage treasured water resources.

The tour took place over five days, and highlighted many examples of better farming and forestry practices that utilise water resources more efficiently while also helping to maintain crucial ecosystems that supply clean water. Some of the areas visited included dairy farms where new techniques for improving soil health has reduced the amount of water needed for irrigation by more than 50%, and forest and sugar plantations where wetland areas have been restored.

According to Brent Corcoran, Environmental Manager for Mondi South Africa Forests, tree plantations are one of the major water users in these areas, and is therefore Mondi’s responsibility to be part of the solution; hence the reason why Mondi will be investing in WWF’s Mondi Wetlands Programme on an ongoing basis.

According to NGP coordinator Luis Neves Silva, plantations are only part of the big picture and the study tour to the uMngeni basin was a great opportunity for the participants from different countries to share their own particular problems, to learn from each other, to understand what other sectors are doing, and to come up with solutions for major water security issues together.

Plantations are set to expand at a rapid rate to meet growing demand for timber, paper and energy over the coming decades, and while plantations can be thought of as controversial, the NGP concept suggests that correctly managed plantations can work in harmony with natural ecosystems, take pressure off natural forests, and also improve the welfare of local communities.

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