Innovative Water-Saving Ideas and InventionsWhile we all understand that we need to drink water regularly in order to remain hydrated and in good health, many individuals really do not understand that we simply cannot live without water, and the planet is facing a major water shortage at the moment.

The amount of water on earth is the same as it was at the beginning of time, but an exploding population and climate change is causing major shortages and can lead to water-wars unless we do something about it.

Innovative Water-Saving Ideas and Inventions

It is up to each and every one of us to save as much water as we can in our daily lives. Fortunately there are also many innovative individuals out there that are making it their business to come up with innovative new ideas to save water.

Water Efficient Shower:  There are many different types of showerheads that are available that help save water, including the Cullector Ultra Efficient Shower which is a device that one screws in  and which captures water at the beginning of a shower and feeds it back into the system so that nothing is wasted. It is estimated by its inventor, Peter Cullin from Adelaide, that if installed in 1 000 showers, the savings would be around 200m litres of water annually.

Bathing without Water: This may sound like a strange thing to do, but Ludwick Marishane, a young   entrepreneur from rural Limpopo, South Africa, has invented a clear germicidal and moisturising gel that makes that absolutely possible. DryBath is a blend of essential oils, bioflavonoids, and the odour-eliminating chemical tawas. Marishane claims that one 20ml DryBath sachet of the gel, which is applied to skin in in the same way as one applies waterless hand cleaners, saves around 80 litres of water on average. This innovative product will not only save water but is a blessing to the more than 2.5-billion people globally that do not have access to clean water.

[Source: Headboy Industries]

Fold-Up Toilet: The toilet is one of the greatest sources of water-wastage and can use as much as 7 litres of water with every flush. Gareth Humphreys and Elliott Whiteley, University of Huddersfield design students, invented the Iota, a futuristic-looking folding toilet which they claim will reduce water use by 50%. The design occupies a mere fraction of the space that a standard toilet takes, and works by utilising a moveable bowl that is raised after use, initiating a 2.5 litre gush of water from the top, which helps to transfer wastewater into the now-connected outlet pipe. [Source: Treehugger]

So, how are you saving water?

Get water coolers, under counter water coolers and hot water boilers from Living-Water in London.